3 Ways your Diet Can Help Colon Issues
Is there a way to nourish your digestive system for a healthier colon and happier gastrointestinal tract? Yes! The foods you eat can impact how your body responds — and it’s simple to incorporate these three things into your diet now.
“Diet is one of the easier things you can change to have a healthier colon,” said Dr. Jared Bortman, a gastroenterologist with Gastrointestinal Specialists PC & Endoscopy in Troy, Mich.
“I encourage my patients to increase their vegetable intake for the fiber benefit, as well as studies suggesting an association between vegetable consumption and reduced colorectal cancer risk.”
1. Whole Grains
Regularly including whole grains in your diet improves bowel health by helping to maintain regular bowel movements. At least half of the grains you consume should be whole grains — if not more.
Diet Tip: Start adding whole wheat, barley, oatmeal, whole wheat bran flakes (and gluten-free whole grains, including quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice and wild rice) to your daily rotation.
2. Water
The majority of our body’s functions depend on water — so it makes sense that drinking plenty of water improves our overall health, especially when it comes to the digestive system. Drinking enough water keeps stools soft, and ensures things are flowing throughout your gastrointestinal tract more smoothly. The more the foods you eat are watered down, the less chance of them getting “stuck” and causing you discomfort as they make their way out.
Diet Tip: Definitely don’t skip getting at least 64 ounces of water a day! And fruits and veggies are high in water content like watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, oranges, cucumber, lettuce, zucchini and soup.
3. Fiber
An apple a day keeps the doctor away — when it comes to the fiber in them that helps to keep your gastrointestinal tract clean. Vegetables are generally high in fiber and some fruits are too, so make sure you are getting a variety of veggies and fruit every day. Fiber removes waste by grabbing debris left behind in the colon on its way through your digestive system.
Diet Tip: Munch on seeds, nuts, brown rice, couscous, green beans, dark leafy vegetables, zucchini, celery, cabbage, raisins, apples, strawberries and oranges.
Take Care of Colon Issues
At Gastrointestinal Specialists PC & Endoscopy Center, we provide colon cancer screenings and colonoscopies, in addition to treating other gastrointestinal concerns to help you feel better and treat diseases. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.